Educating over 500 children in one of the most vulnerable areas of Northern Uganda
Hope Lives Elementary School provides opportunity for vulnerable children to obtain an education. In a country that was ravaged by civil war and rebellion for more than 20 years, few in the region have the resources to educate the children in their care. Hope Lives Aloi provides sponsorship to vulnerable students in a place where all schools require students to pay tuition and provide their own supplies and uniforms. Hope Lives raises up children to be strong, Christian leaders within their region and country.
2024 Trip
In November of this year, 7 of us traveled to our beloved town of Aloi to see the school and the newly finished girls dormitories. We celebrated the dedication of the dormitory to our own Mama Suzi. It was quite the honor to have the dorm and rooms named after many of our supporters. This was a quick trip to see the success of Hope Lives, check in on students and staff as well as update our following of our Agoni students. It was a joyful trip, as always.

Young Population
47% of the population of Uganda is under the age of 14, with the median age of the country being only 15.
Steady Food
Hope Lives provides two meals a day to students, which is often the only meals they receive. This is different from government schools where students are responsible for their own meals.
womens rights
In Uganda, lack of education for girls and early marriage are often the roots of lifelong gender disparity. Uganda has one of the highest rates of early marriage in the world, with 40 percent of girls marrying before the age of 18 and 10 percent marrying before age 15.
Steady Staff
Hope Lives has been able to provide consistent, monthly pay for teachers, which is rare in Uganda, and therefor we have been able to attract highly capable and committed educators.